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High school class rings have a well-earned reputation for being beautiful and well-made. They will eventually require additional maintenance, though. Rings are quite resilient, although they do have a slight tendency to deteriorate over time. Stones may get cracked, have flimsy or insecure settings, and lose their engravings with time. What should you do if the class rings you own are broken? Consider getting in touch with a member of our staff if you need some help! The team at J. Jenkins Sons in Sykesville, Maryland is more than happy to provide you with the best school ring repair services. To learn more about our different ring services, read on!
First, let’s talk about the Select Collection. One of the more popular selections for men’s rings is an S200 Large. Typically, the ring is decorated with a genuine oval birthstone that perfectly reflects the wearer. Another stylish addition are several “sports activity” insignia on the sides. The main focal point of the S200-10PT Big Collect Select, which is also intended for men, is a 10 pt. cubic zirconia set. Due to its rectangular stone, the S200-CA Large Cushion Select distinguishes itself from the other models in the Large Select line. The S300 Medium is another well-liked item. Despite being a bit smaller than its larger predecessor, it still has enough space for a variety of Activity Side options.
We have access to The Elite Collection, a big selection of distinct rings, for our consumers. With the assistance of our high school ring repair services, this set, like comparable sets from its time, is entirely reparable. We consider it an honor to have the opportunity to sell and repair these rare collection rings. Then, which choices are the most typical ones? The E200 Large, E200-CA Large Cushion, E500 Small, and E500-CA Small Cushion are a few examples. Whether or not they are high school class rings, every ring we do sell to customers has cuts for both women and men. The second important question is, what kind of ring you actually want?
With J. Jenkins Sons, you always have the option of designing your own high-quality custom high school class rings! We want you to walk away with a ring that you can show to the world with pride.